Applications are now closed

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Phoebe Paradise, Mallrats, Outer Face: Building Facade Projection, 2022. Curated by Alice Rezende. Photo: Cian Sanders





Outer Space is delighted to announce our 2025-2026 Façade Projection callout. 

From May 2025 to April 2026, Outer Space will present ten new facade projections selected from a combination of invitations and proposals. In addition to this being an exhibiting opportunity, this program is focused on building artist’s capacity across public art and digital landscapes. 

Applications are now closed.

Bella Deary, Rise, Location Location Location, 2021. Photo: Cian Sanders

Successful artists will have their work displayed every evening between 5:30pm – 11:30pm for 4 to 6 weeks across the building façade of Judith Wright Arts Centre. For more information and examples of Outer Space’s previous digital public art programs, see Outer Face and Location, Location, Location

Outer Space is dedicated to supporting emerging, early and mid-career artists and is interested in projects that expand the scope of practice. Selected artists will be supported by a creative development residency at the Outer Space office and will have access to digital training through The Edge, State Library Queensland.


  • Emerging, early and mid-career artists

  • Must be based in queensland

  • Open to proposals from solo artists or collectives and groups (but please note the artist fee is fixed per projection opportunity)

  • First Nations people, people of colour, culturally and linguistically diverse, queer, gender-diverse and regional artists are strongly encouraged to apply. 

  • Successful applicants must provide a valid ABN number. This can be acquired once notified of the outcome, at no cost.


  • Unfortunately, this opportunity is not available to undergraduate students or artists based outside of queensland

  • The proposed work cannot have already been exhibited

Successful applicants receive

  • $1500 artist fee 

  • Creative development period in the Outer Space window bay residency space, supported by the Outer Space staff 

  • Projection and digital training with The Edge, State Library Queensland

  • Technical production support from an animator 

  • Professional documentation 

  • Digital promotion via Outer Space’s website, email list and social media platforms

To apply, you will need to provide the following

  • An artwork proposal, clearly outlining what the projection will look like, and how you have considered the Facade Projection technical guidelines and content specifications (up to 300 words)

  • A statement clearly outlining how this opportunity with Outer Space will extend your practice (up to 100 words)

  • BIO (up to 250 words)

  • CV

  • Link to website (if you have one)

  • 5-10 clearly labelled images of previous and/or indicative work

Lisa Kurtz, Uneasery, Location Location Location, 2021. Photo: Cian Sanders

Applications will be assessed by Outer Space's Programming Committee (made up of the Outer Space Director, Exhibitions Assistant, two Outer Space board members, and an external advisor/artist) with the following criteria:

✦ New, ambitious, and timely work

We are looking for work that has not been exhibited previously, or that is significantly varied from previous work, and that is ambitious both within the artist's own practice and in a wider contemporary art context. Timely works are those that respond, interact or provide commentary on contemporary issues such as ecological, social, cultural, economic conditions etc.

✦ Suitability of proposal to the opportunity

We are looking for work that is considerate of the public-facing platform and that responds to the projection medium.

✦ Quality of the applicant’s previous work

Give us context of how your proposed work for this project relates to the ideas, themes or work of your broader practice.

✦ Potential for this opportunity to extend the artist’s practice, with particular focus on the residency and digital training opportunities.

Tell us about what this opportunity would mean for your practice and why is it significant at this point in your career.

✦ Overall contribution to diversity in Outer Space programming

Max Athans, UMBILICAL (2021), Location, Location, Location. Photo: Cian Sanders

Max Athans, UMBILICAL (2021), Location, Location, Location. Photo: Cian Sanders

Applications are now closed.

Note: ​proposals must consider the Facade Projection Technical Guidelines & Specifications. If you have any questions, please contact our Exhibitions Assistant, Keemon Williams at

This program is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and is presented in collaboration with The Edge, State Library of Queensland.